I happened to meet a "cheddy dost" alias "jigri dost" over a drink, ofcourse both of Mysore origin, but left this sweet city pursuing career and also "udara nimittam bahukruta vesham". We got into a serious debate about life @ 40 plus and faced the following haunting questions/needs/requirements/ambitions/aspirations. etc.
-at 40/40 plus, body takes a declining trend to most of us (exceptions could be there) in terms of declining metabolism, slower reflexes, declining aptitude to learn new things to compete the rat race with new generation. How to cope up?
-the elderly generation viz; parents and parents-in -law either start deteriorating or start disappearing one after the other, but this scenario leads to lot of monetary requirement amidst the growing need for money towards family maintenance , children's needs, eternally growing financial committments etc. How to balance?
- as narrated already, the learning potential will be at the lowest ebb, but the circumstances drag a person at this age group to plunge into newer concepts whether he likes it or not. What is the way out? ( don't advise"Pl learn"....reality is "it is tough")
- in the IT and related industry HR philosophy conveys the message, that "YOU ARE DEPRICIATED AND THE ORGANIZATION WILL NOT DERIVE MUCH BENEFITS FROM YOU AT THIS AGE GROUP".....is this a right approach when a person of this age group is in the middle of life path and at helm of affairs ??
-amidst the HR concept of juvenile average organizational age to be in the range of 30-35, the 40 plus man becomes either isolated or will have a pretentious approach of mixing with the younger lot , though it is a herculean task to match the tastes of younger generation, how does this man strike a balance??