Elena is unlikely to read this. But I thought it worth noting that they have started visiting this site – spammers flogging a site on ‘horoscope compatibility’, ‘widgets astrology’ or a blog about ‘no credit check car loan’. And then we have Damien Ashtaroth (name as published) asking us, in all innocence, where s/he could locate GVK’s post on no-credit car loans. I can understand, though can’t appreciate, their intrusion. Putting a spin on such spamming, we could say myMysore.com has become notable enough to attract site-crashers.
Those flogging horoscope site and other cyberspace intruders with an agenda are a bit like pavement hawkers, graffiti artists. But what does one say about Elena (see post in ‘Directory’)? Elena is no ‘she’ or a ‘he’, but quite another can of worms. It appears the handiwork of a sick mind with an Internet access.